Svetlana Alexievich, The Unwomanly Face of War (Penguin Random House, parent company Bertelsmann)

Isaiah Berlin, The Hedgehog and the Fox (Princeton University Press)

Roberto Bolaño, Nazi Literature in the Americas (New Directions)

Joseph Brodsky, Nadezhda Mandelstam (1899-1980) (The New York Review of Books)

Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita (Vintage, parent company Bertelsmann)

Jessa Crispin, The Dead Ladies Project (The University of Chicago Press)

Masha Gessen, Never Remember (Columbia Global Reports)

Stephen Jay Gould, I Have Landed (Belknap Press, Harvard University Press)

Chris Marker, A Grin Without a Cat (Icarus Films); Sans Soleil (The Criterion Collection)

Vladimir Nabokov, Lolita; Letters to Véra (Vintage, parent company Bertelsmann)

Stacy Schiff, Véra (Penguin Random House, parent company Bertelsmann)

Jun’ichirö Tanizaki, Naomi (Vintage, parent company Bertelsmann); In Praise of Shadows (Leete’s Island Books)

Agnès Varda, La Pointe Courte (The Criterion Collection); The Beaches of Agnès (Curzon Artificial Eye)
